¿Construye tu propio skatepark?

Build your own skatepark?

It is the dream of the vast majority of skaters to build their own skatepark, it is something that anyone who loves this sport is excited about. The construction process is more complex than it may seem at first, especially in the management and distribution of modules. To know all the concepts related to the construction of a skatepark keep reading this article.

We will clearly detail everything you have to do to build your skatepark and a series of recommendations so that everything goes great. So without further introduction, let's move on to the content we have prepared for today.

¿Construye tu propio skatepark?

How to choose the material for your own skatepark

In skateparks it is common for us to see a wide variety of materials depending on the skatepark and its characteristics. More than anything, durability, maintenance and the conditions in which the skate park will be in are taken into account. It is with these factors that we are going to decide which material is best suited both to the conditions and to our budget.

We are going to review the materials one by one, seeing what is positive about each one and why it is good for a skatepark.


Undoubtedly the preferred material of the majority of skatepark builders around the world. You don't have to be a great analyst or travel around the world to realize that this is the material that is repeated the most throughout the parks. This has several reasons, the first is that it is a highly resistant material to any type of conditions, excellent for outdoor use.

Another reason is the little maintenance that must be given to it and the freedom to use it without so much delicacy on the part of the users. In this way, the experience is well enjoyed and the skatepark is made to last much longer than expected.


Wooden skateparks are a trend that is starting to grow more than it was doing many years ago. It is the favorite material for homemade skatepark construction projects, since anyone with enough dedication can make their own wooden modules. Of course, we cannot compare the quality of a homemade module to one manufactured by a quality company like Osso, whose modules can be seen on the website.

In addition to that, the modules are mobile, which allows us to reorganize the composition of the skatepark when we see fit. It is the cheapest material to build and the one that requires the least process compared to concrete or metal, which we will review later.

It is common to see wooden skateparks at events where mobile skateparks are shown or in home projects. We are focusing on the second case, where you can easily take wood as the best option for your home skatepark. As for maintenance, costs are higher than concrete, since the material must be treated against cold, heat, etc. It is recommended to varnish and use finishes for each specific season.


It is perhaps the material that you should never even look at to build your own homemade skatepark, much less in summer. At first glance it may seem like an innovative solution in terms of prices and comfort compared to wood and concrete. It is true that it is much cheaper and that it can be relocated to vary the skatepark a little from time to time.

All this is true, but what is not admissible is the incredible heat that accumulates on the surface. A fall on that surface where your skin comes into contact with the metal and you take a nice burn home. In the summer it is the worst enemy of skaters, and if we start reviewing, no, it is not a good option for a skatepark. The feeling is also very uncomfortable, in general view the two materials presented above are preferred.

How to design your own skatepark

When you have chosen the material of your choice for the construction of the skatepark, it remains to design based on the available terrain. This work has been complicated in recent times with the changing needs of skaters and rollers, but if it is for your own use, no one but you could understand you better. So for this point of "needs" you should not worry too much.

On the ground we must consider the heights, the distances and how much travel must be done between modules. In this way we will know which ones to incorporate without ruining the fluidity and elegance with which the skater must travel. The optimal thing would be to leave a track where we flow without having to make an effort between obstacles to get the most out of them.

A skateboarding park is based on two principles, potential energy and kinetic energy. Potential energy is the energy obtained by using ramps, quarter pipes, etc. While the kinetics is the one that we achieve when walking between modules, the one that helps us maintain speed in a general way. Seen this way, we must take advantage of both and design the skatepark so that neither is missing.

A skateboarding park is based on two principles, potential energy and kinetic energy. Potential energy is the energy obtained by using ramps, quarter pipes, etc. While the kinetics is the one that we achieve when walking between modules, the one that helps us maintain speed in a general way. Seen this way, we must take advantage of both and design the skatepark so that neither is missing.

With all this very clear, it is now time to choose which modules we are going to incorporate into our own skatepark. As it is a home project, you will surely end up opting for birch wood, our star material. In the we can manufacture the following modules, which you can see in our catalogue:

  • Fun Box
  • Halfpipe
  • ramps
  • Pyramids
  • Railes

They are the basic modules that you can find, you can also opt for bowls or similar but this already requires more than a “home” job. And it would only remain to organize everything well and begin to give life to our project, which we hope will turn out in the best way for you.

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